Codes of conduct
Only Friends Eindhoven wants to offer a safe and familiar environment to young people with disabilities, but of course also to other visitors. Visitors and athletes should feel at home, be able to play and exercise without any worries and feel at ease.
To ensure this, we follow rules of conduct for both the board members, trainers, coaches and other volunteers, but also for the athletes. Apart from the 'normal' rules of conduct that apply in society (and that we all follow!), below you will find the rules of conduct as they apply within Only Friends Eindhoven.
Code of Conduct for Directors.
Code of conduct for trainers, coaches and supervisors
If you encounter a situation where you do not feel safe, or where things are happening that you do not like, REPORT THIS. Don't keep having unpleasant feelings or ideas, but talk about them. Maybe there is a misunderstanding, but maybe your feeling is just right, and somewhere something is going wrong. Only when situations are discussed can solutions be found.
Confidential counsellors must of course be independent. Therefore, we refer everyone who would like to report something to Centrum Veilige Sport. You can reach them via this link: